New Stitch feedback

@DougLogan Thanks for reporting. I actually got this warning this weekend for the first time, so it should not happen very often. We are already trying to find a solution, and if you see it again, it should be safe to ignore.

@Brian_Charlton @curbappealpix This warning is normal and it is there to let you know that some of the 3 fisheye images are missing/corrupted for the listed panos. It usually happens because you forgot to take all the 3 shots. Old Stitch would just silently ignore it. We will change the message to make it more clear.

Can you adjust the settings so the first view of a newly loaded floor is zoomed to fit? I am often presented with an initial view where some of the floor is off screen, and I need to go hit the zoom to fit button.

Hi Alex, I looked into it again at Adriel is correct. It was a pano that was created but never photographed. I initially confused it with “view 4” from the second level rather than the third level

FYI - we will be delaying the date until which the data from the old Stitch will still be accepted by the portal until Feb 26 to give people more time to familiarize themselves with the new Stitch and to roll out the changes based on the feedback we received to date. We are pleased that the adoption rate for the new Stitch has already exceeded 75%.

@adriel Manually entering values into the levels adjustment box does not adjust the sliders/image.

Hi Doug, thanks for the feedback.

We already fixed this issue and the new version will be released possibly today.

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Stitch 6.0.10 was released this afternoon containing small fixes and improvements, including many suggestions from this thread. Let me know if you have any problem with this update.


  • Add panning in Rotate All mode, or when pressing Alt in any mode (useful for Magic Mouse and trackpad users);
  • Allow resizing of Take Picture dialog;
  • Improved Adjust Panoramas screen with a bigger image, a new slider for yellows, and the new “See original” button;
  • New implementation for blues, contrast, shadows, highlights and levels (you may need to readjust your presets);
  • UI improvements;
  • Skip loading of empty maps;
  • Allow setting disabled panos as initial pano/direction;
  • Sort panos when importing;
  • Fix a crash on some old hardware when opening the Take Picture dialog ;
  • Fix copy/paste for color temperature;
  • Fix a rare crash when zooming out;
  • Fix a rare crash during simultaneous notifications;
  • Fix an issue that prevents old Stitch4 (IMS4) projects with labels from being imported.
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I only see 6.0.7 when looking at the software section of the portal.

We released via the auto-update server. The portal was still pending, sorry for that.
It should display the auto-update dialog the next time you open Stitch. This is the method that should be used after installing Stitch 6 the first time.

Thanks, yes it prompted when restarted but I didn’t see it on the portal. I do now!

More feedback after the last update: I am quite pleased with the full pano editing and other tweaks now, this is an excellent change I think and it’s helping to deliver even better looking visuals. Nice work.
For a future revision update: selective edits via a brush or area selection? I’d like to be able to adjust blue/yellow cast only in a selected area of a pano and not the full pano

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I think there is a glitch in the image adjustment> Gamma
When I change the gamma integer to anything above 1 then I go to next pano and come back I see the gamma integer is automatically changed to a higher number so the image gets darker. I can’t get the number to stays consistent.
Like "1.3"
I’m not sure if that’s how it suppose to work.
The level input is 0 - 100.

Thank you for let us know. You are right, there was something wrong with it when loading the saved value to re-adjust slider position.

We fixed this glitch today and it will be available soon with other fixes/improvements.

anyone get this one?

The reason for this error was selecting a wrong folder. Incidentally, two people reported this message tonight. The old Stitch had a more descriptive text that got lost in translation to new Stitch, but we will be bringing it back. The old message read:

“Failed to load house. Make sure you selected the house folder and not folders inside it.”

this was completely my fault. It was something of a brain fart.

Stitch 6.0.11 was released this afternoon containing fixes and improvements. It should auto-update the next time you open your current Stitch 6 version. It is also available for download on the iGuide portal.

Note that on Feb 26th old Stitch (4 and 5) will stop being supported. If you haven’t updated yet because you are having issues, please let us know contacting our support team (via phone or opening a ticket) so we can help.


  • Add project comments to drafters;
  • Improve blues/yellows sliders to make the transitions more subtle;
  • Improve stability during some error events;
  • Change some of the error/warning messages to be more informative;
  • Reduce verbosity when checking for problems on export;
  • Show a warning message when loading project from flash disks;
  • Fix a bug for gamma values > 1;
  • Fix a crash in the Adjust Panos dialog;
  • Fix QGestureManager warning on Mac;
  • Fix a QT bug on Mac where close dialog may be called twice;
  • Fix a bug when moving panos to other floors;

Finally started using the new Stitch. Only one property so far but here is some feedback (using a Mac):

-When you click and drag to move a pano, there is a slight delay before it moves. Once it moves it moves normally but the delay throws you off initially, especially if you’re only moving the pano a little.
-When going through to adjust image settings/align panos, you can no longer just scroll from the last one to the first one by clicking, “Next Pano”. Would like to have this back.
-Floor plan comes in very small initially. Any way to scale it do fit the screen area where we move/rotate them a little better? Zooming is more intuitive so this is a very minor complaint.

Maybe have a quick training call on the new features? I got a warning I didn’t set the initial pano direction. There were a few other things I saw, which I’d like to learn more about.

Otherwise, no issues.


Presets: I’d like the preset to be applied upon selection from the drop-down (Clipboard, Set_1, Set_2, Set_3), instead of having to select from the list and then click “Load”.
I’d also like to be able to rename them, so I remember what they are. :slight_smile:

Ok, done a few more, here’s some more feedback:

-I REALLY hate the delay when trying to rotate/move rooms. It’s REALLY annoying since it’s usually a small amount I need to rotate/move rooms so I have to go farther than I want and come back. Previous versions didn’t work like this.
-I’d prefer if, when you click on a pano it would highlight the proper room like it used to. You’ve changed it so you must move the cursor over the workspace to see what room is selected. A pain when trying to find a specific room and you’re clicking through to find it.
-Zoom function still doesn’t work as it should. In almost all apps, if you move the cursor over the workspace area, then scroll to zoom in/out, it will center on where the cursor is. I have no idea what it’s doing and I’m having to mess around with it to get it to where I want it to be. Constantly zooming off the screen. This is very frustrating.
-When you’re in the pano editing (where you’re aligning/color correcting), I wish you’d go back to the way it used to be where you can hit the Next Pano button and if you’re on the last pano of the property, it would loop back to the first pano. That makes more sense.