Tags popup and icons

Hello, I just saw the virtual tour of the Egyptian Museum in Turin/Italy, that houses one of the largest collections of Egyptian antiquities with more then 30,000 artifacts, and is consider the second most important Egyptology collection after the Egyptian Museum of Cairo. In 2019, it received 853,320 visitors, making it the one of the most visited museums in Italy.
Here the link. https://virtualtour.museoegizio.it/

I don’t know how it was made the virtual tour, I don’t like the navigation and they don’t have accurate floorplans, but I liked how they have added icons in the virtual tour, image sliders almost fullscreen, video and info popups.

I mean I like the iGUIDE Tags, but wanted just to show an example of what I’ve read in forum other operators were looking in the Tags popup - bigger windows and more visibility.

It is only an example…

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That does look very polished. I like the “i” in the circle that indicates “information” and the larger tag window sizes that make the content much easier to read on larger monitors.