Tags on Stitch

Tags on Stitch

I suggest adding a feature to the stitch software that allows users to view the tags made on the iGuide app. This would provide confirmation that the corresponding data will be included in the tar file. Simply displaying the tag locations alongside the point cloud in the stitch software would suffice, as editing can be done on the iGuide Portal. This feature would enhance user confidence and streamline the workflow.

Thank you for considering my suggestion. I believe it would greatly improve the user experience of the Stitch software.



I haven’t used tags in a while, but that sounds like a good idea.

I’d suggest re-posting this in the feature suggestions forum at https://forum.goiguide.com/c/feature-suggestions/.


Hi Leroy,

Thanks for the suggestion. Unfortunately, I can’t seem to access the link you posted. Could you please check it?

If you can’t access that link, reach out to support. You may need to be given access.

I have been considering the same thing. I use the iGuide to document fire investigation scenes, and would like the ability to either add tags at a later date with supplemental evidence photos or in Stitch


You can add tags at the time of Surveying (Real Time Taggin), or in Post (iGUIDE Portal) once the property is finished. You can also add additional pictures to the gallery to support the property, and have it all organized in once place.


Awesome thank you!!

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Hi Rob. At this point are we not able to view, edit, or add tags in Stitch?

I shot a large project yesterday that requires tags and assumed that I would be able to add them in Stitch since I find it much more productive to do so on my computer/large monitor before uploading to the portal.

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Tag functionality does not exist in Stitch so any modification of tags or adding additional tags is done through the Portal. Real Time Tags (RTT) are extremely useful and recommended for onsite capture, and then any subsequent editing can be done in the Portal.

That’s too bad. It’s far more productive to review and make changes in Stitch on a computer than on a small mobile device onsite, especially at the end of a day of shoots when everything is handy and fresh-in-mind, rather than waiting until a property has been drafted and contending with the slowness of a web interface. And in certain key instances, we need to ensure that tags are thorough and accurate before sending to the drafters.

Are there plans to implement tags in Stitch?