Selling My Slightly Used IGuide Planix Pro, Located in Southern Alberta near Lethbridge

Hi Everyone,

I am located in Raymond Alberta. I have a Planix Pro system for sale. I bought and used it under 10 times. I sold my business in Ontario and moved to Alberta. I have joined another industry and I am no longer using the camera. Comes with charging cable and carrying case.

I’m asking $2800 Canadian. This system, retails for $ 3249 plus taxes Canadian. So you are saving a fair bit… If you are interested please reach out.

Hi Luis, is this camera still available? I’m in Alberta as well and would be interested in checking it out.

Hi Luis,

We’re located in Calgary. Is the camera still available?

Thank you,
Nate Griffioen

Hi, sorry for the late reply. I got logged out of the account and it took me along time to gain access. I am just reading your email now…Please let me know if you are still interested.


Hi, sorry for the late reply. I got logged out of the account and it took me along time to gain access. I am just reading your email now…Please let me know if you are still interested.


Hey Luis, the Planix Pro is now selling for $2699, I’d be willing to give you $2000 + shipping.
If you’re interested, please email me at

But u are demanding more than the new price i am in calgary ne if interested i can buy but the serial no and email attached to serial no is required how this issue will be dealed in used camera buying

Hi Luis. Please let me know if you sold this. I am in Lethbridge and looking at purchasing an iguide.

Looking forward to hear from you!


Hey Ronda I have a PLANIX Pro for sale and can ship to Lethbridge. Let me know if you’re interested.