Removing hot spot circles

Wondering if it would be possible to have the circles removed as an option? Some of them teleport you through walls and look totally unprofessional. I would like to see no circles and just let the user use the floor plan to move from room to room. I think it would look more professional and less confusing.


Users already can and do use the floorplan to move around a property.

Properly shooting line-of-sight scans lets users move around a property without stepping through walls – with the added efficiently of side-stepping line-of-sight scans.

Without the visual indicators, the user experience would be a mess. e.g. what happens when a room doesn’t have a pano? Without the visual indicator users would be clicking/tapping in frustration trying to figure out what is visible to them.

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I had one tour where a couple of navigation circles looked kind of wonky due to a 3-step sunken living room. At the time I was told there was no way to hide a circle from a specific view (like you can specify which tags are visible from which panos.) I’m not sold that all users would take to navigating as easy without the circles, and it might be more confusing when they jump through a solid wall without the ghosted nav-circle. My thoughts…

I do use line of site very carefully but still get the wonkey circles. Just would personally not like to have the circles as an option

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Making an on/off option for the circles would be a good idea I think. I’ve found that the green dots on the floor plan shows where the camera was pointed at for the pano, vs the white circles which only moves the camera foreward TO that circle - meaning the user can click on the circle and end up facing a wall. I’ve been letting new clients know that using the green dots on the floor plan provides for a better viewing experience.

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I use line of site scanning always and still get the circles showing through the walls.

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That’s a great point! Having an option to remove the circles could improve the user experience and make navigation feel more seamless. Relying solely on the floor plan for movement would keep things looking cleaner and more professional. Hopefully, the developers consider adding this as a customization feature!


wondering if it is possible to shrink the size of the blanked out area under the tripod?

You can effectively make the size smaller by making your cap image a transparent PNG with the required dimensions, but having the outer area of your choice not have any imagery. You will end up seeing tripod legs with the ims5 and the planix itself if you go too small