Property Websites

Does anyone have suggestions for a setup where we could start offering property websites as an added service?

Much appreciated.


WP3D (the wordpress plugin used by Matterport service providers) also supports iGuide.
Koaware offers a standalone website builder that works well, there is a fee per each use.

I investigated this too and determined that there wasn’t enough added value for clients to pay for. I will occasionally use Koaware on a Premium iGuide where I’ve done aerial work too and have the margin to give it away for a promotional reason, but honestly nobody really seems to care!

Wig is a good one too

Real estate photo editing

This company has a free trial:

Here is an example:

For Canadian operators - will directly embed iGUIDE into a listing page and will show a Floor Plan button (linked directly to PDF floor plans) only if the Virtual Tour field for the listing as sourced through MLS feed contains domain. Using single property website will cancel that advantage for Canadian agents if they put another URLs in their MLS form.

We’re currently looking at options for our clients when it comes to property websites/landing page sites, which we would then embed the iGuide, floor plans, property description, photo gallery, etc into, complete with their unique look and layout (colour, design, etc.)

I think it’s best to look at this from a presentation/functionality stance, especially when we’re talking about presenting properties through digital ads, using social media, or anything of that nature.

For example, when it comes to two competing agents, if they are both sharing the iGuide on Facebook, neither of them really has an advantage over the other when it comes to presentation. The iGuide shares on Facebook a certain way and has a certain layout.

But if one of those agents designs a landing page, populates it with all of the components of the iGuide, including the virtual tour, complete with a look and layout of they’re own, then that property site has just given them a competitive advantage.

Maybe a suggestion to encourage more use of the iGuide alone would be multiple layout options for how it looks when it gets shared to Facebook as a post or more options when it comes to how agents would like the iGuide interface to appear to the public, similar to the various layouts that are available through the feature sheet creator.

With all this being said, we haven’t yet implemented these as an option, so I’m speaking more from a hypothetical stance than anything. Maybe if others are offering these services, they could provide some real insights.

Happy Thanksgiving all.