Matterport Floor Plan View

Matterport has announced support for a floor plan view. The most common feedback I receive on iGuide vs Matterport is that Matterport is hard to navigate and people get lost, unless you “get it” regarding how to operate one of their models.
After reading this update from them, it appears that the floor plan view is only available if you download models into the Matterport App on your mobile device (until later).

It is interesting to me that Matterport is evolving a feature that compares with a core iGuide feature, even how it works when viewing a model in VR on your mobile device. In my opinion they have missed the mark rolling this out to mobile VR first instead of desktop and web, which is how I expect most users will access a model unless their data shows otherwise??

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Matterport: Floor Plan Navigation offers greater ease of use.


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