Keyboard Shortcuts- Please add!

Can we get some keyboard shortcuts for stitch please?

Next Pano, Prev Pano, Reset Color, Apply preset 1, 2, 3.
This would make my life so much easier than all the clicking

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Hi Blake,

Can you elaborate on what you mean by Presets 1,2,3?

Rob Johnston

Preset #1, preset #2, preset #3

I have an outdoor, indoor, and bathroom/kitchen preset. Being able to quickly move through panos, reset the stitch color, then apply whatever preset i want quickly would save me a ton of time.

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Stitch has many shortcuts that I use every day, next and previous in specific. (N and P.)

Look at Help > Shortcuts.

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Hi Blake, could you please share your 3 presets? Thank you

Reset pano adjustments first, then as a basic rule I apply the following. Once I do that, I usually use the auto white balance, but sometimes I have to manually adjust. It does a good job most of the time.

You may have to adjust the gamma in some pics to brighten them up if its a dark area.

On the interior, sometimes you have to adjust specific colors, yellow is one that if they have yellow interiors, you may have to adjust that down, or blue. Its great to make colors pop a little bit, but if the whole room is blue or yellow, it can make it look funny.

#3- exterior
#2- main interior
#1- bathroom

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Thanks mate, very much appreciated. I’ll try them out!