Let me start by saying this suggestion is only because realtors and their assistants are often clueless about file management and using their marketing materials.
I still have realtors who struggle to make the text in the floor plans legible. Today a realtor tried to blame me for her poorly legible floor plan when viewing the listing on her phone. It turns out she and her assistant had downloaded the jpegs from the smaller MLS sized gallery link. Those jpegs of each floor were only 60 or 70 kb, and when trying to read the text it was blurry. I downloaded them from the Hi-Res link, and the text is fine.
My suggestion to Planitar is to only include the higher quality jpeg floor plans in both the MLS and Hi-Res downloads. I think it would be helpful to remove the possibility that my clients can screw it up. If there is a way to do it wrong, some of them will, no matter how many times they are shown the better way.