iGuide Default Settings

I don’t know if I’m looking in the right place or not, so thought I’d ask here first. In the Default iGuide Settings, I don’t see where the defaults that I’ve selected (for example, my Pano Branding Image, Append Measurement Diagrams to PDF (Alberta), etc.) show up. When I look at that page, none of the selections that I’ve made appear there. Should I be looking somewhere else to confirm what selections I’ve made?

Log in to your account on the portal
Go to your name at the top right.
Click settings just below it.
Click the fourth tab over iGuide defaults
Make whatever changes you need to do and then scroll to the bottom and click save or it will not update.

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Yup, did that. And I know that the pano image I made as a default works, as it shows up on the tours. But I don’t see it on the defaults page.

If it is working as expected on the tours but does not show up all I can suggest is log out and then log back in. It could be a browser cache problem as well. Maybe try another browser or computer and if it still doesn’t show I would suggest opening a ticket.

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Yeah, I’ve logged in and out multiple times, cleared cache, all that. Haven’t tried another browser though, I’ll give that a shot before I open a ticket. Thanks for the suggestion!