How to hide 3D tour but still get measurements

My first ppst here and im fairly new in this industry.

My realtor wants measurments for both Basement and Garage, which is not an issue, but doesnt want the 3D tour enabled for both areas. The basement is not complete and garage tour is unnecessary. 3D tour is only enabled for Main and 2nd floors.

How can I achieve this?

Thank you,

Hi Jenn.

Very simple - simply hide the panoramas in stitch.
Right Click the panorama and click hide in iGuide
If you forget to do it there and publish you can do it later from the portal as well.

Thank You!
I thought hiding will not provide measurements.
Apreciate it

By default some rooms may not have measurements enabled. If
Any rooms have measurements showing that you don’t want shown or as is more often the case any room does not show the measurements you can also turn them back on or off in the portal. If you can’t figure that part out please let me know.