Hiding Panos After Processing

Hi, I have an agent requesting I hide a pano in a bedroom due to a safe being in the shot. If I go to manage my iGuide, I can only “hide all panos“. Is there a way to hide only one pano after it has been processed? I can’t seem to find that option. Thanks so much!


Go to manage your iguide, click on edit, select the pano and double click on the pano to disable.


You might only be able to hide pano within the first two weeks of publication, check support docs for that information.

If within that two weeks, you can also download the pano, blur the safe in Photoshop and re-upload the image so you don’t lose that room as part of the tour, but viewers won’t see the blurred out safe.

You can

You can hide panos at any point – not just with the first two weeks.

The knowledgebase at Solutions : Support Desk is the go-to for things like this.

Here’s the article you’re after: Modifying Panos: Enabling/Disabling, Setting Initial Pano, Angle, Floor : Support Desk.


Thank you!

Thanks, good to know. I wasn’t sure, all I know is you only have two weeks to replace panos.


Yep. That’s true, but different.

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