HELP WANTED at a fair rate!

What do you think I can charge? .15 per sq ft maximum or there is room for more?

Ok, i understand. How would you script the conversation when calling architect, builder or remodeling businesses for a successful sale?

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Your pitch will need to be YOUR pitch. There is a ton of info online and as pointed out earlier, iGuide provides great content as well. This forum has already been very generous with thoughts to you and many others who ask the same thing.

For a pitch to be believable it has to feel authentic to those receiving. That is why I say it has to be yours. Use the info available here and elsewhere. Distill that information to something you are confident and excited about. Then go for it and learn from every interaction. You will be a pro in no time. :slight_smile:

I am not good at sales, putches and stuff like that. I am more of a technical person. I also own a successful IT wiring company for last 10 years, but I’d like to make this work too. Hence, I am here directly asking what is the best way to do it. I guess i could use marketing help or perhaps hire out a company to make those calls?

I start my base price at $250 uo to 2500sq feet them $.10 prr additional.

It took awhile to get some good businesses but i also got some ckients just because i offered it. Some hesitant to tey it because of beingvused to Matterport. But after samples gave me a shot and now love it way more!! Say it is a cleaner look and love that i do t charge ongoing hosting fees.

I had a new client that ordered 25 tours in 2 weeks and plans to give me more next month so looking to buy a 2nd camera!!

Hello Cincy…we have a spare IMS5 for sale if you are still looking for a 2nd camera. Please email me at if you are interested.