fixtures for part of floor plan

Hi everyone,

I have a client who is a renovator. He has a new project to renovate just three bathrooms in the house, and he has asked me if it’s possible to show the fixtures of the bathrooms in the floorplan. do you think the drafting team can do that?

Hi there,

Absolutely. In order to show fixtures, you must:

  1. Order an iGUIDE Premium
  2. Select this option when creating your iGUIDE
  3. It would also be helpful to the drafters if you left a note for them in Stitch.

This will show your sinks, shower head and toilet. You should also use the Real Time Tagging (RTT) feature as it will offer the contractor additional context. For example:

  • Open under the sink and take a RTT of the plumbing
  • Take RTT of the faucet, shower head, toilet, sink, light fixtures, electrical outlet (since it may not be GFCI).
  • Take still images so you can add regular tags as well

Here’s a video with more context on Real Time Tagging: IRC / Real Time Tagging (

Please let us know if you have any other questions!

  • The iGUIDE Customer Success Team