For probably the past year and a half now. I’ve been asked by my realtors why I can’t put a custom social share image on their iGuide links for their listings. As I have explained… it’s not an option currently within the iGuide system. It’s doable when it’s self-hosted… but then you lose the analytics. They love the social share images for their custom single site property listings. However… currently, when you paste the link into your Facebook post, it just takes a snapshot of what loads when you click the link (see image below). I think this would add some extra flair to iGuide listings for realtors. It’s something matterport doesn’t do either. I’m not sure how many would be interested in this… but I know I certainly would be. Thoughts?
For those that don’t know what a Social Share Image is… A social share image is like the cover of a book(or your iGuide link in this case) for your social media post on say Facebook. It’s designed to catch people’s attention as they scroll through their feed and make them want to click on your post to learn more