Create New Property Industry

I am a new user, and one of the few to utilize the iGuide system in a public safety profession. I know there is a federal agency using this technology, but in addition to them, we are the only other ones in my state (Virginia) that captures emergency scenes. I would like to suggest an additional drop down under the ‘Choose Property Industry’ for ‘Public Safety’. I am a arson and bomb explosion investigator, and capture post-fire incident scenes to document the structure and surrounding areas. We have already proven how vital these photographs and diagrams can prove in court, and the reconstruction ability for a jury to see is invaluable! However, there is cause for concern with permissions and other access that my law enforcement partners bring up. I know I can select insurance/restoration as a drop down and it protects from map view, but I would appreciate the assurance of knowing im staying in my space to protect the files

Do you know about changing your default Protection to ON, so you never have to worry about it?