There is a thread referencing a certain link that is showing on the virtual tours. In that thread I had commented on the Cost Calculator as well, but since that comment didn’t get any traction I am posting it again as a feature suggestion.
I think it would be prudent (for obvious reasons) to remove the Cost Calculator from the public domain and put it into the portal where a password / account is required in order to see our costs. I just quoted out a 12,000 sq ft project and feel that many wouldn’t understand the markup (for time etc) if they happen upon our costs. Thank you.
Well, to back you up here. I recently did a quote for a 50,000 sqft building. They came back showing my cost to scan (screenshot from iGuide website) because they asked what tool I use to get measurements as that was important. Then came back and asked me why my pricing is “so high” when my costs are “so low”. I don’t have crazy markup in my pricing either.
However, point of this is. They were able to go to iGuide website. See my cost, try to low ball my pricing then turn around and tell me they’re going to buy their own iGuide unit because it’ll be more cost effective in all of their projects.
So now I’ve lost a potential new developer in the area who now is going to do everything himself.
I had an opportunity for decent income that WAS going to come from this developer. Now there’s nothing.
This is quite upsetting that with a quick search. He was able to get my costs.
I agree with both of you. But as long as iGuide’s business plan is selling units to everyone and anyone there won’t be any pricing information protection.
The problem is : iGuide always wins… they sell a kit more and the processing of the project will always pass by them whoever might do the initial scanning…
There is a workaround it… let iguide do the plan but build the VT yourself with other software. You will loose the measuring capability but with pdf’s and a scale bar that shouldn’t be much of a problem as the accuracy is at 1-2cm.
Precisely! Thank you for sharing that!
Not sure I understand but I get what you’re saying sort of. IMO pricing doesn’t fully have to do with the cost to us. We have to price according to industry standards in order to remain compettitive regardless. I do get that the cost to me can be a deciding factor in doing iguides, but there are other ways that can be communicated I think.
I don’t think this is about the VT at all. But on that topic, when I first started with iguide I had a new inquiry questioning me about the cost being the same from iguide with or without the tour - basically suggesting that I shouldn’t charge more to include the tour. He did NOT need to know my cost. And I didn’t get the order for that client either.
As a profession studio photographer as well as real estate, my photo lab required vetting before they release prices. You need an account and a password to even get in. My portrait clients have no clue what I pay for an 8x10 print etc. it should be this way all around with IGuide! It you want to broadcast the cost of the camera fine, but leave other prices out! I have tried and tried to get them to remove the logo because hidden underneath that logo you can find all the prices on the branded tours. Loosing a client is huge!! More people need to complain about this pricing being so public so we can get this changed!!!
Thank you for the solution suggestion!
Thanks for bringing this up again. I started the original tread.
You prove the point many of have been making. Our customers don’t need to know our cost.
On this subject, when pricing a job, how do they know what equipment you use? Keep that a secret. Remove it from your website, advertising etc…
In my area, when someone wants accurate measurements. They will NOT use matterport. They’ll turn a job down if that’s all you use. Many people/companies are aware of the difference between iGuide and matterport.
Not only that, it’s impossible to hide it after their “first” complete job because iGuide is plastered all over the virtual tour. That defeats the purpose.
So if that works for you, then great. Clearly your market is different from my market. Advertising that I use iGuide makes a difference in how I acquire jobs.
It’s a simple solution of hiding our costs to the public. Edit By this I mean not as easily accessible.
I have to agree with EvanH - I am a proud supporter of the iguide brand and make it a point to let my inquiries know that it’s an iguide product, both for accuracy and quality. I feel it would be detrimental to my business to not advertise it, and conversely it’s an easier fix to just hide our costs. IMO
I think a lot of folks are looking at this the wrong way.
You know how much eggs and milk are yet you still go to a bakery for a cake.
You can google how much car parts are but you still go to a mechanic for car repairs.
You know how much clippers are yet you go to a barber to get your hair cut.
why? because people are paying professionals to do jobs they don’t want to or can’t do (can’t meaning efficiently, accurately, etc).
i’ve had realtor clients who started working with my company because they bought a camera system and didn’t want to learn how to use it or didn’t want to do it themselves.
Agent’s are busy people, do you think they’d like to schlep around camera gear from listing to listing or would they be rather doing their actual job by going out and getting more listings?
If you are losing a client because they found out how much iGuide charges to process tours then they weren’t the kind of client you wanted in the first place.
Focus on growing your business and less on the little Idiosyncrasies about iguide (which we all love because we post here) that annoy you.
Well said Tom. I like to say “is it okay if I feed my family too?”
Not all of us work with real estate agents, many of whom are in an area. I understand what you’re saying about customers who nickel and dime you, but that is not the case here.
my companies work in residential, commercial, industrial, hospitality, etc. replace what I said about realtors with property owners, facilities managers, etc. there are more productive tasks you could focus on instead of a link on a website