Adding Editors- Make it Convienet

No one needs another username and password. Allowing editors to collaborate without signing up would be huge. Contractors and collaborators that are minimally engaged don’t want another username or password. It’s restrictive that’s my point. It’ll be more accessible for people who are not so invested in the iGUIDE software to engage if they do not have to sign up for another account. One of the selling points for iGUIDE is collaboration, and I think making collaboration Easy for those who are not as invested as I am to would be a huge feature. I can see the standpoint of the software engineers for people making an account, but from the perspective of a person who has been a contractor since 2006, if you want me to engage, you have to make it easy for me. If you want people to engage with your software, you must make it easier. I have an account, but it should be easy for them when I share that with people. Creating accounts and passwords is not convenient, especially for contractors working with their hands in the field all day long. MAKE IT EASY! THANK YOU IGUIDE YOU GUYS, HAVE CREATED A LARGE AND IMMENSELY AWESOME PIECE OF SOFTWARE. Now let’s take over the 3D VR industry!!!

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It’s 2024. Three things:

  1. Security is important. A password is a small price to pay for the security of the iGuide system.

  2. Everyone should be using a password manager. They make creating and using hard-to-hack passwords trivial, especially when combined with biometrics like Face ID.

  3. Passkeys are the future and are slowly being adopted. Passwords are on their way out, but will still be around for a long time.

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Possibly, I do not understand your position and intent with post regarding enhanced collaboration by removing user/pass.

As part of our company’s website development, I unfortunately get to see the level of unwanted intrusion on ANY aspect of our websites that allows ANY level of data input. Without security it would be unmanageable. The intrusion by individuals, and bots that from our perspective is nothing other than destructive and malicious, consumes many wasted hours keeping under-control.

Ok fair enough. Thanks

Your right thanks

I think it would be nice having the option to add/invite editors but as managerI could choose what they can do, so limiting their "power’’ on an iGuide. What they need most of the time is adding and removing tags

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